UI/UX Design
▸ 29 August 2021
▸ Figma

Unwind is a project I contributed to along with 2 other group members for the University of Waterloo TechNova Hackathon 2021. Being completely new to UI/UX designing, I learned a lot while making this — most of my realizations being UI details I had subconsciously noted as good design. As my team and I were competing in the beginners’ group, who had minimal coding experience, we planned and designed the entire prototype on Figma. I used my prior Figma knowledge to help design this app, which acts as a distraction tool for people in need when they feel a panic or anxiety attack coming.
I had seen several communities on Twitter that used to share the “Breathe with Me” GIF trying helping close friends try to calm themselves. This got me wondering that if the breathing GIF is so useful, why is there not a self-help site for quick access? Thus, I suggested this idea to my team who were up for it. We expanded the app to more than just the GIF, adding other forms of distractions that may help as well. Of course, this application isn’t meant to be used for severe cases nor is it a diagnostic or medical tool, it is simply just a distraction for those who can try and help themselves when alone.

5 Senses

Breathe With Me
Listen to This

Draw Something
Resources and Hotlines