AK Editorial: Change
Editorial Design • Illustration • Content Writing
▸ 29 March 2022 – 2 weeks
▸ Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, & Photoshop

Change is an editorial I designed based on my identity as an artist from childhood till now. It illustrates my discovery with creativity and art and shows my gradual growth over the years as well as some struggles that I had along the way. It resolves with me accepting my ever changing self no matter what may happen in my surroundings.
This project took me approximately 2 weeks to plan and design. Being my first layout design, I learned all about digital publishing standards, storytelling, structure and hierarchy, colors and typography, and lastly prototyping and production. I quite enjoyed this project especially since I was talking about myself. I had spent majority of the time planning the project and studying layouts suitable for my story, and of course, writing my story simultaneously too!